Matthew Ludak is a documentary photographer whose work delves into contemporary social issues, including classism, de-industrialization, environmentalism, and structural racism in the United States. With a BA from Drew University and an MFA from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Ludak melds his background in American history and English literature with a passionate commitment to socially engaged photography.
Ludak’s distinctive approach employs natural light and classical composition to highlight the dichotomy in how artists are able to depict difficult and troubling topics. His work has been exhibited and published both domestically and internationally, showcasing his talent at venues such as The Elliot Gallery in Amsterdam, Prix Maison Blanche 2024, Photo Marseille, the Head On Photo Festival in Sydney, Australia, and the Photography and Visual Arts Festival in Braga, Portugal.
His long-term project, “Nothing Gold Can Stay,” has garnered funding from the Puffin Foundation and was selected for the 2024 Critical Mass Top 50 by Photo Lucida.
Ludak has taught at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and currently resides in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he continues to explore the intersections of art and social justice through his photography and non profit work.